Monday, 27 February 2017

Carnival(e), Carne Levare,  Farewell to Flesh.

So we are in the maw of Trinbago Carnival and the powerful spirit that rivals and even supersedes the Christmas spirit here in Trinbago. But what do we know of carnival and its meaning in our culture?

“Farewell to the Flesh” is this period before Lent in Christian celebrations and was derived around the 16th Century by the Catholic Church which was the dominant world religion at the time. But was/is it just; a period of overindulgence before abstinence; an altruistic period of preparing the body to compliment the spirit; a process to attempt to “Christianise” pagan rituals so as to maintain and increase catholic dominant influence.   (Visit:

Whatever it was the influence came to the Caribbean with the
French slave and plantation owners and mixed with the various cultures that made up the landscape at the time. The cultures and social circumstances all influenced and flavoured the distillation that what is uniquely Trinbago Carnival, “The Greatest Show on Earth”.  (Visit:

So is our unique cultural identity being eroded away by commercial interests or the will of the people? Are our costumes and characters being subsumed by “beads and feathers” more akin to a Brazilian type celebration?  Is it that like “real Trinis” we can only appreciate our own when we are in “foreign” or is it easy to celebrate verbally but too inconvenient to put into action? Are our celebrations grounded in any kind of Christian tenets or are we blindly or uncaringly practicing pagan rituals veiled by self-serving religious validation?

Is there hope for us?

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Little Piece of Paradise...Charlotteville, Tobago.

Carnival and Easter are here so if you plan to visit Tobago for this period you may want to consider the following:

1. Book your tickets EARLY (airplane or ferry) especially if travelling with a group or with a vehicle.
2. Book your accommodations EARLY. lock in your prices now since rates go up with the influx of visitors.
3. Get a schedule of events for the period.
4. Practice safety at all times.

Enjoy your time and make it memorable, for those with children, let them experience our islands and our culture.

Friday, 10 February 2017

Friday, 3 February 2017

Personal Safety Tips

Personal Safety

Every day it seems as though photos and messages flash across social media about someone going missing, oft-times it is a heart wrenching plea by families and friends, desperately  seeking assistance in locating their loved ones, especially, but not limited to, children and females. Far too often the media bring reports of persons who are horrifically killed, of the remains of bodies or of how many days, months or years someone has been missing. What are we to do in this situation? How are persons to conduct themselves with any semblance of normalcy in an environment where there is so much disregard for life?  How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones? Can we carry mace, pepper-spray or ‘tazers’ for personal protection? No, it is still illegal.

In the current environment personal safety is paramount and simple tips can save a life, be it yours or a loved one.

(DISCLAIMER: Situations may differ and the following are suggestions and not absolute solutions but may assist in personal protection. The author of this blog is not accountable for improper use of the suggested tips.)

1.      Always inform someone responsible beforehand of intended destinations and times or if there is a change to that plan.

2.      If using public transport always record the vehicles’ registration number and text it and/or call (so all in the vehicle can ‘overhear’ you giving the information to) a designated person as soon as or before entering the vehicle.

3.      Always be aware of your surroundings.  Look around, always be mindful of where you are and who are around you, the time of day/night and lighting conditions. Be aware and avoid dark, lonely areas or areas that can provide hiding places for attackers.

4.        If attacked, shout, scream draw attention to yourself and the attackers. (forget shame or pride think of survival)  If in a lonely place, run to an area with people, shouting and screaming as you go.

5.      If someone tries to grab you or force you into a vehicle or secluded place, put up a fight immediately and shout for help. Draw attention! Fight and run! Try to escape as quickly as possible. (If you are scared of any weapon the attacker may threaten you with just think of what can happen if he/they get you alone or carries you to a place suiting their intent, think of all the persons who are still missing, mutilated or dead) A moving/running target is more difficult to hit.

6.      Ladies the old adage of there being a razor to a battleship in your bags should be capitalized now! Hair spray or spray perfume can cause discomfort when applied to the eyes. Spray into attackers’ eyes and run screaming for help.

7.      If the attacker is close or grabs you, a nail file or hat-pin can make excellent weapons as well as leave marks for the legal authorities to look for. Gouging or scratching the face, cheeks, eyes, neck or any soft skinned areas of the body can create enough of a chance for you to disengage from the attacker and run screaming for help. A good dig can cause enough of a wound that may draw attention to the assailant and require medical thus giving the authorities a better chance of identifying the attacker later on.

8.      If an attacker asks you for your purse or wallet, do not hand it to them, throw it on the ground (obviously you are scared and trembling so it fell from your hands) and when they go for it run away screaming for help.

Points to note:

a.        Anything can be used as a weapon

b.      Try to escape as soon as possible

c.       Shout, scream for help and draw attention to the attackers

d.      Put up a fight to disengage and run away while screaming for help

If you think these tips are helpful please feel free to share and add any others that may help. Comments are encouraged and welcomed.